Course Overview

Love photography and ready to move beyond 'point and click'?

Learn the tricks of the trade from a professional photographer and tutor in this hands on course designed to take your creative potential to the next level.

Taught in a workshop style learning environment with weekly class photo assignments, this short course works at your individual level to help you advance and extend your skills.

Upon successfully completing the requirements you'll receive:

  • Record of Achievement - Photography Pathways (Level 3)
Locations To be confirmed
Next intake To be confirmed View more details
Study options

12 weeks part-time

4 weeks full-time
Total credits 20
Indicative Fees No tuition fee for domestic students View full fees information
Eligibility View entry criteria

To see the information for international students change your location using the button at the top right of the screen.

Topics you'll cover

You'll learn about working with DSLR cameras, manual settings (lens choice, aperture, shutter speeds, ISO and colour temperature), and digital darkroom workflow.

The course covers the creative elements of photography like critical analysis of images, composition, camera angles and shooting distances, seeing like a photographer, and painting with light.

If a career as a photographer is your goal, this course will also build your knowledge around how to set up a photo shoot including an overview on art direction, choosing a location, directing the shoot, working with studio lighting, and working with models and clients.

Course Fees

Indicative Fees * No tuition fee for domestic students

Your final fee may vary if:

  • you have a choice of topics/papers to study
  • the qualification excludes GST
  • there are extra course materials to purchase
  • student levies apply

We’ll let you know if any of these apply to you.

* Important fee information, and hints and tips

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Are you Eligible for Free Fees?

There are several ways to take advantage of free study at Toi Ohomai. Find out how on our Fees Free FAQ page.

Student Loans and Allowances

This course does NOT meet the requirements for student loan or allowance applications through StudyLink.

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Course Entry Information

Entry criteria

There are no minimum academic requirements (open entry).

IMPORTANT: We regret that students who have already completed this course are not able to be enrolled again. Please contact our Information Centre for details about other courses in this subject area.

Standard Entry Criteria

Admission, entry, selection, and enrolment into programmes will be in accordance with the Academic Regulations and/or, where approved, specific programme regulations.

Other Considerations

You will need to bring your own camera.

This course is taught on Apple Mac computers. Learners must have elementary level computer skills.

It is recommended that you also have access to software for editing.

English language requirements

Level 3 certificate IELTS General or Academic score of 5 with no band score lower than 5 or completed New Zealand Certificate in English Language Level 3 with an endorsement of either General, Workplace or Academic, or meets a relevant English Proficiency Outcome as outlined by NZQA.

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Course Locations and Intake Information

Intakes to be confirmed Ask to be notified when the next intake becomes available

Study options

  • 12 weeks part-time
  • 4 weeks full-time

Important dates

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Courses Offered at Toi Ohomai