Our Sponsorships

Toi Ohomai celebrates diversity through a range of sponsorships.  We aim to be at the heart of bringing whanau and community together. We go beyond the classroom, offering a tangible difference within communities across our rohe, Bay of Plenty and South Waikato, through our support of initiatives and partnering with a variety of local community groups.

How to Apply for Sponsorship

If you feel that your organisation’s proposal fits with what's outlined above, complete the sponsorship application form and forward any supporting documents to our communications and marketing team.

Decisions on sponsorship investment are made by our Sponsorship Committee. This ensures a robust and transparent sponsorship spend. 

Our committee meets every six weeks to consider all proposals tendered. If we need further information, we’ll be in touch.

Sponsorship Application Form

Who we Sponsor

Chambers of Commerce

To support our Bay of Plenty business communities Toi Ohomai is a principal sponsor of the following organisations:


Mountain bikers in mid-air at the Crankworx Festival in Rotorua NZ

The Crankworx World Tour brings together the best mountain bike athletes to compete in elite-level competitions in a variety of disciplines.

Crankworx World Tour festivals also host races for amateurs, Kidsworx contests for young riders, participatory events, and celebrations of mountain bike culture, all while showcasing amazing destinations.

Festival of Cultures

Every year South Waikato school children bring inspiring kapa haka performances as part of the Festival of Cultures.  Entertaining visitors since 2014, the popular event attracts 2-3,000 people every year.  Festivities are held on or around Waitangi Day at the South Waikato Events Centre, to celebrate not only Waitangi Day but also the unique cultures in the region. 

"Toi Ohomai has a prominent position at this event and engages with the public through fun activities. Last year we had children hand paint wooden tiles that had been stencilled with a Māori design. This year we had facial tattoos that we applied to little children."

Maree Kendrick, Toi Ohomai Regional Lead

Toi Ohomai Blue Lake Multisport Festival

The Toi Ohomai Blue Lake Multisport Festival is attended by 500 to 600 competitors from all over New Zealand each year and has attracted international competitors. 

"The generous sponsorship from Toi Ohomai enabled the RATS club to deliver another high quality event this year, with the cash prize incentives and highly contested King and Queen of the Lake mantles being a draw card for New Zealand triathletes vying to compete at this year’s Olympic Games."


Youth Enterprise Scheme

The Youth Enterprise Scheme (YES) is a legacy sponsorship Toi Ohomai commits to every year.  

It’s an exciting opportunity to involve Toi Ohomai staff getting alongside Year 12 and 13 secondary school students to mentor, coach and judge students’ business projects.

Student working on laptop at the YES event in NZ

Contact information

Marketing and Communications Department