Health and Wellbeing

Health Centres (Te Whare Hauora)

Our on-campus Te Whare Hauora - Health Centres at Mokoia Campus in Rotorua and Windermere Campus in Tauranga are available to assist and support you with your physical and mental wellbeing. 

We are a nurse-led clinic providing a friendly, welcoming environment and confidential services to assess your health concerns and challenges you are facing. We also provide regional health clinics on specific days too.

We offer a range of health services such as mental health nurses, clinic nurses, counsellors and doctors’ services. Find out more on our Te Whare Hauora - Health Centres page. 

Make an Appointment

To make an appointment to see a nurse, please phone 07 5578756 (Tauranga, Whakatāne) or 07 346 8883 (Rotorua, Taupō, Tokoroa). Feel free to email [email protected] for redirection to a suitable service.

To assist us with your query, please include in your email your full name, Student ID, campus location, best contact number, and a brief description of what you hope to be assisted with. 

If you cannot keep your appointment, please let us know as soon as possible so we can offer the time to someone else.

Accessibility/Disability Services

We offer a range of support services and equipment. Find out more on our accessibility/disability services page.

Free Counselling Services 

Our counselling service provides ākonga with short-term counselling support. These sessions are free for all ākonga and are approximately 50-60 minutes long. 

This confidential service allows you to discuss your concerns and emotions in a safe place.

For many, one to two sessions may be enough, but if you do need more we can discuss this with you and develop a plan or offer referrals if appropriate.

Counselling Services include:

  • Face-to-face appointments 
  • Phone appointments
  • Online web-based appointments (via Zoom)

Make an Appointment

To make an appointment and for more information, please see the below campus specific contact details. 

Feel free to email [email protected] for redirection to a suitable service.

To assist us with your query, please include in your email your full name, Student ID, campus location, best contact number, and a brief description of what you hope to be assisted with.


If you are unable to keep your booked appointment, please contact us as soon as possible.


What is discussed during sessions is strictly confidential within the Health Services Centre unless permission is given otherwise.

Available for all ākonga (Whakatāne, Online and Remote ākonga)


Following services provided: Telephone, or Web App (eg. Facetime or Zoom) consults.

Vitae Website

Mokoia Campus

Rose Lancaster-Rous (Counsellor)
Email: [email protected] 
Phone: 07 346 8883 

Taupō Campus

Taupō Family Centre (Group of counsellors)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 027 376 8222

Tokoroa Campus 

Linda Tiro (Counsellor)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 021 170 6966

Whakatāne Campus

Bay Counselling & Therapy (Group of counsellors)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 07 578 0959

Windermere Campus

Bay Counselling & Therapy (Group of counsellors)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 07 578 0959

The following services are provided at all campuses: Face to face, Telephone, or Web App (eg. Facetime or Zoom) consults

Hearing Clinic

Having trouble with your ears or hearing? Monthly hearing clinics are available. To book an appointment, contact 07 346 8883. Alternatively, contact Life Unlimited on 0800 008 011 or visit their website to make an appointment.

Prayer Rooms

Our prayer rooms are open to everyone.

  • Mokoia Campus: Room E24. Open 8.00am-5.00pm Monday to Friday, except shutdown periods. Get the key from International reception in E Block.
  • Windermere Campus: Room L5 (Next to the Health Centre). Open 7.00am-11.30pm Monday to Friday, except shutdown periods.

Sport and Fitness

Staying active helps your health - physical and mental - in so many ways. Check out our awesome sport and fitness options!

Tangatarua Marae at Mokoia Campus

Tangatarua Marae is named after a Tūhourangi ancestor, Tangatarua. The marae is a truly beautiful space, and once you've been welcomed with the pohiri at the start of your studies, is available for you to visit whenever you wish.

Toi Ohomai Campuses are Smokefree

Toi Ohomai promotes an environment that’s safe and healthy for all students, staff and visitors, and protects the right of everyone to breathe in clean air. In order to support the New Zealand government’s goal to become a smoke-free country by 2025, all Toi Ohomai campuses proudly became smoke free on World Smokefree Day, 31 May, 2014.

Our health centres provide free support for students and staff who want to quit smoking. Come and see us!

For more information visit the Smokefree information website.