Vocational Pathways is the name of a government initiative created for New Zealand secondary school students. It was developed to improve the connection between education and employment.

Vocational Pathways help you, as a student, to see how your learning and achievement will be valued when you start your career.

Each study option is colour coded to one of six vocational sectors so you can work out the type of career you’d like - and the courses you’ll need to take to get there.

By achieving enough credits from the standards recommended by the sector, you can have your NCEA Level 2 endorsed by one or more vocational pathways. This makes it easy for employers to see that you have the strengths and abilities they’re looking for while providing you with a clear view of what skills you need to work within a particular industry.

You can also view all our courses grouped by subject.

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To see the information for New Zealand students change your location using the button at the top right of the screen.