Research Voucher Scheme

A research voucher is a research credit that has a certain value (up to a maximum of $5,000 excluding GST) which can be used to engage Toi Ohomai employees to carry out applied research.

Usually a research voucher will help you to answer a research question you have, explore an idea you want to develop or find a solution to a problem.

The goal of research vouchers is to make the research skills of Toi Ohomai employees available to community, iwi and industry, in order to develop knowledge and ensure that knowledge is transferred to external stakeholders.

Purpose and Benefits

The purpose of offering research vouchers is to provide high quality, innovative applied research to industry, iwi and community organisations that contributes to the economic, social and cultural development of the wider Bay of Plenty. 

Research vouchers provide an excellent opportunity for Toi Ohomai employees to engage with community, iwi and industry organisations, and assist with knowledge transfer to those groups through providing relevant applied research and development activities.

Eligibility to Apply

An application form is available where you are invited to briefly outline your research question, problem or need. You will be asked for information about your organisation, what kind of research assistance you require and what kind of outputs or benefits you are looking for.

If you are part of a not for profit organisation, a small organisation employing fewer than 5 people, or your research will benefit the community, Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology will fully fund your research project up to $5,000. We may request the right to publish the results of fully-funded research.

If you are a larger commercial organisation with more than 5 employees or wish to undertake research that has commercial potential, then the voucher will require your organisation to co-fund the project by making a dollar for dollar contribution up to a total voucher value of $10,000 (where the applicant contributes $5,000 and Toi Ohomai contributes $5,000).

Research Voucher Value

The value of a research voucher is flexible up to a maximum of $5,000 for not for profit organisations or small business with fewer than 5 employees or up to $10,000 where an organisation makes a dollar for dollar contribution.

Research projects will be fully costed on the basis of cost of researcher time, materials/equipment and travel up to a maximum total of $5,000. The cost of researcher time will vary depending on the research project and level of skill required. Limited vouchers will be available annually and the number of vouchers available may change at the discretion of Toi Ohomai.

Where Toi Ohomai workshops or equipment are used for the research, budget may be based on full cost recovery.

Suitable Research Voucher Projects

Research vouchers can be used to purchase research that plugs a knowledge gap or answers a research question, and to trial new processes, products or services. If you are uncertain whether your proposed project fits these broad criteria or is suitable for a research voucher, then please fill in the application form and send it in. We will be happy to discuss your idea and help to refine it if necessary.

Ineligible Activities

Vouchers can only be used for applied research projects and cannot be used for “business as usual” activities, to subsidise the purchase of software or equipment, for student internships or design of advertising material.

Intellectual Property Ownership

Ownership of intellectual property will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis. Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology may wish to negotiate rights to publish the research results. However, if the applicant organisation wants to protect any commercially sensitive information, both parties may negotiate a variation.

Intellectual property ownership will be discussed and agreed as part of the project scoping and the agreed outcome will be included in the short form agreement or contract signed by the organisation and Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology.

Management of the Research Voucher

The researcher or research team will work directly with your organisation to carry out the agreed research. The Research Manager will oversee the project and associated budget as required.  If researchers are unable to answer your queries during the project, please contact the Research Mangaer directly.

The Application and Approval Process:

1. Complete the online application, or print an application form (pdf, 392kb) and either email it to the Research Office or print and post to:

Research Manager
Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology
Private Bag 12001
Tauranga 3143

2. Acknowledgement of your application will be made no later than 7 days after receipt of the application.

3. The Research Manager will contact potential researchers in the relevant discipline or subject area and confirm with the applicant that Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology has the necessary expertise available to conduct the proposed research. The Manager will also check to ensure that the project meets the research voucher criteria. 

4. Unsuccessful applicants (where applications do not meet the research voucher criteria or where Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology is unable to provide the necessary expertise) will be notified in writing within 14 days of their application. Wherever possible, we will provide unsuccessful applicants with information about why their application was not approved and if it may be restructured in a way that it could be funded in future. We will also endeavour to provide suggestions for alternative funding.

5. A meeting will be set up with the researcher/s and your organisation contact person to scope the project, budget and timeline. All research voucher projects will be signed off by the researcher’s line manager and go to the Research Committee for approval of the project and budget before any agreement is signed with the applicant organisation. Once all parties are happy with the proposed project, a short form agreement or contract will be drawn up between Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology and the applicant organisation. This agreement will set out clearly:

  • Details of the agreed project
  • Project timeline
  • Agreed budget, broken down into contributions by Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology and the applicant organisation
  • Project deliverables with due dates
  • Intellectual property ownership
  • Responsibilities of all parties

6. The Chief Executive or Academic Director will sign all research voucher agreements on behalf of Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology.

Contact information

Research Office