Compliments, Complaints, and Concerns

How's your experience been with Toi Ohomai?

We're always keen to improve and want to hear from you whether you've had a good experience, or a not-so-good experience.


Thanks for sharing your positive experiences and feedback with us. This helps us continually improve by growing and strengthening the things we're already doing well. Please send your comments to the email address shown at the bottom of this page.

Complaints Policy

The following is an excerpt from the Toi Ohomai Regulatory Framework for Quality Assurance document. This document can be found in full on the Student Regulations page.

8.0 Concerns and Complaints

Registration of Complaint

1. Students who wish to express a concern or lodge a complaint about another student must first discuss the matter with their tutor/lecturer who will initiate an investigation and, where possible, resolve the issue. If unable to resolve the issue, the tutor/lecturer will refer the matter to the Complaints Officer.

2. If a student has any other concern or wishes to lodge a complaint in relation to any other matter, the student should report the matter to the Complaints Officer who will initiate an investigation.

3. The Complaints Officer will report to all parties involved with the results of their findings within twenty‐eight (28) working days. The outcome of the investigation may include the initiation of a Discipline and Academic Appeals Committee meeting.

4. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome, the student may appeal the decision, in writing, to the Chief Executive within ten (10) working days of receipt of the investigation outcome. The Chief Executive’s decision will be final.

5. At all times throughout this process, students have the right to involve a support person of their choice. It is the responsibility of the staff member involved to advise the student of this right.

6. Please refer to the Student Discipline Procedure for an understanding of disciplinary actions that may be taken if there is a complaint against you in relation to academic misconduct, misconduct with regards to computers and ICT and / or behaviours that breach the Student Code of Conduct.

Contact information

Complaints and Compliments Officer