Research at Toi Ohomai

Toi Ohomai has an active and dynamic team of Research Office staff who support staff and student research across all campuses of the institute.

Each faculty has a research coordinator who is available to provide advice, support and mentoring for staff.

The central Research Office administers research funds, provides assistance and quality assurance for external grant proposals and manages the institute’s participation in the Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF). 

A kaupapa Māori Research Advisor is available to provide assistance with research projects involving Māori and to assist researchers in meeting cultural obligations.

In addition to offering services to staff and students of Toi Ohomai, the Research Office administers a Research Voucher Scheme that enables external industry organisations, iwi and community groups to obtain assistance with research. 

Toi Ohomai staff have some amazing expertise across a wide range of disciplines and subject areas and we’re always looking for new partnerships with businesses, industries or community groups. 

Contact us to talk through your research ideas. We're eager to establish research partnerships or engage in collaborative research within the Bay of Plenty region and nationally.

The Research Office produces regular research publications.

Contact information

Research Office