Industry-Only Courses
The following courses are offered to those already working in the industry.
If you'd like more information about any of these please contact us.
Beauty Therapy
Forestry and Wood Manufacturing
- Introductory Chainsaw Skills (Level 3)
- New Zealand Certificate in Forestry Operations (Level 3)
- New Zealand Certificate in Forest Harvesting Operations (Level 3), all Strands (various combinations)
- New Zealand Certificate in Forest Harvesting Operations (Level 4)
- Saw Doctoring Block Courses
- Timber Machining Block Courses
Forest and Wood Manufacturing training schemes.
Health and Safety
Horticulture and Agriculture
- Fruit Production for Profit (Level 5)
- New Zealand Certificate in Horticulture, Strand in Fruit Production (Level 3)
- New Zealand Certificate in Horticulture, Strand in Fruit Production (Level 4)
- New Zealand Certificate in Cookery (Level 4)
- New Zealand Certificate in Food and Beverage Service (Level 3)
- New Zealand Diploma in Cookery (Advanced) (Level 5) (Cookery)
- The Art of Coffee and Barista Service
- Maritime Operations - Skipper Restricted Limits - leading to New Zealand Certificate in Domestic Maritime Crewing (Level 3)
- New Zealand Certificate in Fishing Vessel Crewing (Level 3)
Nursing and Health
Trades and Logistics
- Electrical Appliance Serviceperson (Endorsed to Disconnect and Connect)
- Electrical Competence Programme
- Electrical Inspector
- Electrical Practical Skills
- Electrician Regulations Refresher
- Electrical Service Technician (EST)
- Electrician Theory Refresher
- New Zealand Certificate in Automotive Engineering (Level 3) - Managed Apprentices
- New Zealand Certificate in Automotive Electrical Engineering (Level 4) - Managed Apprentices
- New Zealand Certificate in Carpentry (Level 4) - Managed Apprentices
- New Zealand Certificate in Engineering Fabrication (Trade) (Level 4) - Managed Apprentices
- New Zealand Certificate in Heavy Automotive Engineering (Level 4), Road Transport Strand and Plant and Equipment Strand - Managed Apprentices
- New Zealand Certificate in Light Automotive Engineering (Level 4) - Managed Apprentices
- New Zealand Certificate in Mechanical Engineering (Trade) (Level 4) - Managed Apprentices
Contact information
Information Centre, Windermere Campus
Monday-Friday, 8.00am-4.30pm
B Block, Windermere Campus
Private Bag 12001, Tauranga 3143, New Zealand