Youth Guarantee Eligibility and How to Apply

Who's Eligible for Youth Guarantee?

To qualify to study under the Youth Guarantee scheme, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident
  • Be 16 to 24 years old before the start of the course. 15-year-olds who hold Ministry approved early exemption from their school may also be eligible. This exemption must be in place before the course starts.
  • Priority places will be given to students who have not yet achieved NCEA Level 1 or NCEA Level 2
  • Priority places will be given to students who:
    o    have not yet achieved NCEA Level 1 or NCEA Level 2
    o    have completed a Level 1 or Level 2 qualification through a Youth Guarantee provision programme

How to Apply for Youth Guarantee

There are two steps in the process and they must be completed in the correct order.

  1. Apply online for a Youth Guarantee-funded course (note that the list shown on that page will change as courses are added and removed, or reach capacity).
  2. Apply for the Youth Guarantee program by submitting your details through our online application form. Our Youth Guarantee Coordinator will reach out to you within 10 working days to guide you through the next steps. Keep in mind that submitting the online form is crucial for progressing your application.

Please note: As there are no guarantees you'll be entitled or eligible for Youth Guarantee, we encourage you to explore other funding options as well e.g. scholarships.

Student Loan Scheme/Allowances

  • An applicant MUST have reached 16 years of age and be under the age of 25 years by the first day of their chosen programme.
  • Youth Guarantee students are not eligible for any kind of loans or allowances from Studylink if you are 16-17 years old. (18-19 year olds may be able to access the Student Loan Scheme for living costs and Student Allowance, on a case-by-case basis) or allowances from Studylink if you are 16-17 years old. (18-19 year olds may be able to access the Student Loan Scheme for living costs and Student Allowance, on a case-by-case basis).

For information about whether you can get access to student loans (for costs other than the fees), please contact StudyLink.