• Rotorua MTV Club

    Barbara Jenks, Rotorua Mountain bike Club

    The funding we received from Toi Ohomai Charity House Project was extremely beneficial to the Rotorua Mountain Bike Club First Response Unit.  

    The $8000 we were given went towards funding penthrox which is administered to people who have had serious injuries in… Read more

  • Age Concern Rotorua

    Rory O’Rourke, Age Concern Rotorua

    Age Concern Rotorua was a recipient of a grant from the Charity House Project in 2021 and also in 2018. 

    This year the money we were granted went towards the running costs of our new minibus which is used regularly to provide social connection outings for our… Read more

  • Te Āhuru Mōwai

    Anahera Katipa, Te Āhuru Mōwai

    Our school leases its buildings from Toi Ohomai and all our funds were dedicated to renovating our two prefabs. 

    We received one of the larger grants from the Charity House Project specifically for the purpose of creating an enclosure which has given us our own… Read more