Course Overview

Are you interested in a career with the NZ Police, Army, Navy, or Air Force? To get in to Police College or one of the Services, you'll need to pass some aptitude and fitness tests - sometimes referred to as the Testing Day.

This course has two broad focuses. The first is all around the various entry tests for the Police and Services and includes fitness skills, maths, English, and abstract reasoning.

The second focus is on the theory, information, and knowledge you'll need for the Service you're going into. You'll study the history and the role of the Service you're interested in and how it operates in the community as well as internationally.

All your tutors are ex-New Zealand Police officers or ex Defence personnel, and we have a dedicated team of staff to help you with additional tutoring support for maths and English if you need it.

Upon successfully completing the requirements you'll receive the award of:

  • New Zealand Certificate in Study and Employment Pathways (Level 3)
Locations Rotorua, Tauranga
Next intake Jul 2025 View more details
Study options

1 semester full-time, including holidays (if applicable)

Total credits 60
StudyLink assistance Available
Indicative Fees $3,414 for domestic students View full fees information
Eligibility View entry criteria

To see the information for international students change your location using the button at the top right of the screen.

Career opportunities

  • Constable with the New Zealand Police
  • Sailor with the Royal New Zealand Navy
  • Soldier with the New Zealand Army
  • Airman with the Royal New Zealand Air Force
  • Corrections Officer
  • Firefighter

Topics you'll cover

During your study you'll cover topics that might include:

  • identifying interpersonal skills and interests and collating a personal profile
  • identifying your cultural influences and your identity to the whenua, and reflecting on wider family/whānau goals
  • matching your skills and interests to career pathways including Police, Navy, Army and Air Force and consider the roles of these organisations in the community
  • time and resource management
  • physical training goals
  • planning and managing a work project and writing reports
  • personal presentation
  • problem solving and communication
  • study skills
  • stress and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • communication - interpersonal, verbal and non-verbal, and written

You'll also have the opportunity to complete an optional First Aid Certificate (additional cost).

Course Fees

Indicative Fees * $3,414 for domestic students

Your final fee may vary if:

  • you have a choice of topics/papers to study
  • the qualification excludes GST
  • there are extra course materials to purchase
  • student levies apply

We’ll let you know if any of these apply to you.

This course is eligible for Youth Guarantee funding.

* Important fee information, and hints and tips

Help with fees

Are you Eligible for Free Fees?

There are several ways to take advantage of free study at Toi Ohomai. Find out how on our Fees Free FAQ page.

Student Loans and Allowances

This course meets the requirements for student allowance and student loan applications through StudyLink.

  • A student loan helps to pay for your course fees (the compulsory fees), study materials e.g. books, equipment, and living costs. You'll have to pay this money back.
  • A student allowance is a weekly payment that can help with your living expenses while you're studying. You don't have to pay the money back.

Find out more and apply at


Scholarships are one way you might be able to get some financial help. Any scholarships specifically related to this course are shown below, otherwise check out the full list of scholarships promoted by Toi Ohomai.

Course Entry Information

Entry criteria

Level 1 NCEA with 10 Literacy credits and 10 Numeracy credits.

If you do not meet the academic requirements you may be given special admission if Toi Ohomai staff are satisfied you are capable of successfully completing the requirements.

Special admission may also apply for applicants over 20 years.

Information Session

You’ll be invited to an information meeting. This is your opportunity to find out more about the course content and to make sure you're on the most appropriate course for your career aspirations and current level of experience.

Standard Entry Criteria

Admission, entry, selection, and enrolment into programmes will be in accordance with the Academic Regulations and/or, where approved, specific programme regulations.

For courses at levels 1-3, domestic and international students will be required to:

Provide evidence of ability to complete academic requirements.

Other Considerations

You must be physically fit and capable of carrying out all practical components of the course - a fitness test may be required prior to entry. 

English language requirements

Level 3 certificate IELTS General or Academic score of 5 with no band score lower than 5 or completed New Zealand Certificate in English Language Level 3 with an endorsement of either General, Workplace or Academic, or meets a relevant English Proficiency Outcome as outlined by NZQA.

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Course Locations and Intake Information

Location Campus Start Date
Rotorua Mokoia Campus 14 Jul 2025 Apply now
Tauranga Windermere Campus 14 Jul 2025 Apply now

Study options

  • 1 semester full-time, including holidays (if applicable)

Important dates

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Further Study Options

Courses Currently Under Development at Toi Ohomai, or Offered at Other Institutions

  • further study at Level 4 or above
  • Royal New Zealand Police College
  • trade qualifications with the Services - Royal New Zealand Navy, New Zealand Army, Royal New Zealand Air Force