Ashlyn McGregor

Ashlyn McGregor loves working in a flexible industry where things are constantly evolving and no two days are the same. She studied the New Zealand Certificate in Real Estate at Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology and is now working in this fast-paced industry.
"I have always been interested in houses and architectural and interior design, so it seemed like a natural career choice. I had considered entering Real Estate many years ago when I was living in Auckland but my children were to young and I didn't want to sacrifice my time with them."
Ashlyn started her studies in February 2020 but was one of the many students whose courses were disrupted by the initial COVID-19 lockdown. Despite all the disruptions Ashlyn, recommends studying through Toi Ohomai.
“It was a very well run programme, the on-line format was organised and easy to follow and the tutors were responsive, supportive and knowledgeable".
Navigating the legal framework around real estate, marketing strategies and techniques for listing and selling can be daunting, but Ashlyn says her course prepared her well for the real estate industry.
"I found the skills I gained to do an appraisal helpful. I can fall back on my study notes to refresh my understanding on certain aspects of real estate.
“For the first six months I have continued to do professional development as it is a requirement within my organisation, which I have found extremely useful. However, my studies with Toi Ohomai provided me with a solid foundation."
Ashlyn loves the variety each day brings, from liaising with both purchasers and vendors, arranging viewings, writing newsletters and matching properties with people.
Real estate is a hot topic and Ashlyn says she often has to manage expectations of both purchases and vendors in what she describes as a challenging market.
"To buyers I suggest they start asap on their due diligence as properties do not stay on the market long and there is a good chance the auction is bought forward.
"I would also suggest if they are viewing a lot of properties and haven't found the one they want they should reassess their parameters. I think they may need to consider and prioritise what are the most important features to them, what they don't want to do without, and then compromise on characteristics that are less important. Rarely will you find everything that you want.”
Ashlyn says real estate, like other industries, has challenges but if agents are self-motivated, flexible, adaptable, tenacious but friendly this will help them in their success.
"It is not a five day a week 9am-5pm job, but it is flexible, stimulating and always changing. You are continually learning, which is an aspect of the job that I enjoy."