Professionals McDowell Real Estate

Professionals McDowell Real Estate

For more than 100 years McDowell has been at the cornerstone of real estate in Rotorua. 

The organisation has been synonymous with giving back in the Rotorua community and for more than eight years it has been one of the key partners in the Toi Ohomai Charity House Project.  
Professionals McDowell Real Estate sales manager Kellie Kanara-Batt says it has been an honour to be involved with the project since it’s inception. 

“We have thoroughly enjoyed growing great relationships with Toi Ohomai, Rotary, and all other partners along the way. 

“We celebrate being part of our community and charity-based organisations. Our company continues to be a leading sponsor for the Child Cancer Foundation, in addition we run the Christmas Lights competition each year for the families and children of Rotorua.” 

Kellie says the Charity House Project is a valuable cause her team embraces being part of the project because of the greater good it provides towards enhancing and giving back to the Rotorua community. 

“The students should be proud of their talent and hard work that goes into building a masterpiece that we are proud to help make somebody’s home. The project creates a vast level of growth and opportunity for all involved.

“Seeing the students thrive and showcasing this creates better buy-in for next year’s student intake. As a result, we get more builders and this creates more jobs which has a great impact on the Rotorua economy. These flow on effects are all valid reasons to be proud to be part of this project.”

Kellie says knowing you care contributing to making a difference in the community is an awesome feeling. 

“The reward comes from all the different partners working together and seeing the profits go towards organisations that heavily invest into making Rotorua a better place. Being part of this makes us all proud when the results give so much to those who deserve it.

“We’re stoked to be part of it and look forward to working alongside Toi Ohomai and Rotary to make this count. Our dedicated team of salespeople are excited to do what they do best in the lead up to auction day – market and negotiate the best price possible for a successful sale. Knowing all proceeds are distributed to worthy causes makes it a memorable achievement indeed.”

For more information visit Professionals McDowell Real Estate.