Anahera Katipa, Te Āhuru Mōwai

Te Āhuru Mōwai

Our school leases its buildings from Toi Ohomai and all our funds were dedicated to renovating our two prefabs. 

We received one of the larger grants from the Charity House Project specifically for the purpose of creating an enclosure which has given us our own private space within Toi Ohomai for our students and their babies to enjoy. 

We were further supported through the Toi Ohomai carpentry students who provided free labour and will help us to complete a second project using these funds to put a roof over a storage area. 

Without these funds and the support of Toi Ohomai Charity House neither of these projects would have happened. 

The entire process was simple yet has made a huge difference to our learning space. 

- Anahera Katipa (Teacher in Charge), Te Āhuru Mōwai