Work Integrated Learning Project

Work-integrated learning (WIL) is a model of experiential education which purposefully integrates a student’s academic study to authentic workplace practices and / or settings (CEWIL, 2019). It can occur across any course or programme level, and encompasses varying activities which relate to developing employability skills, employment networks and links to the community, self-efficacy and the ability to transfer skills from one environment to another.

The Careers and Employability Team at Toi Ohomai are completing research to inform a wider WIL project. The objective is to share the winning features of WIL activity according to Toi Ohomai staff, students, and employers. The research investigates what WIL activities are occurring across nine programme areas at Toi Ohomai, how these activities are being applied and the value-add of WIL activity to each programme.

The winning features of WIL (i.e. what is working well) as reported by participants will be shared with Toi Ohomai staff, students, and employers.


Melanie Katu