Building Practice to Building Assessment for Today’s Carpenters
“Choice but a little challenging at times” – a student’s description that captures the experience of all in this project, to change assessment practice from paper-based to using information technology, in the Bay of Plenty Polytechnic’s (Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology) carpentry course.
The primary aim of the project was to integrate theory learning with practice on the building site, by enabling students to record their learning using ePortfolios.
Using an action research approach, the project encompassed principles of learning-in-practice for the tutors as they faced multiple challenges of learning about using unfamiliar information technologies, applying research methods and changing teaching practices in a new learning environment.
Positive student engagement and feedback confirmed the new approaches recognised their learning preferences and skills in using IT and created an authentic, holistic learning experience, leading to improved student outcomes.
Findings indicate that introducing IT into a course requires redesign of courses, gaining buy-in of all staff involved and including experts with appropriate skills to make the process achievable and enjoyable for all.
Institutional support to bring all of these resources together is critical to the success of such a project and to its sustainability. Overcoming perceived and real barriers to introduction of IT, tailored to the skills of students and staff, has the potential to open doors for programme staff with interest in getting started, but lacking confidence to go it alone.
Dennis Keys, Bob Burningham, Dirk de Vries and Gloria Abernethy