Areena Smith

Toi Ohomai graduate and now tutor Areena Smith with some of her artwork

Toi Ohomai Opens Door to Creative Career

Ever since she was a little girl, Areena Smith has wanted to be a creative entrepreneur.

After completing an art and design course, Areena enrolled for the Bachelor of Creative Industries, majoring in visual arts, in 2017. She graduated in 2019 and now works as an apprentice at a tattoo studio in Mount Maunganui. She also returned to Toi Ohomai to help grow the next generation of creatives as a tutor at the Mokoia Campus in Rotorua.

Areena says she’s living her dream.

“I enjoy being with creatives in the studio who thrive in an environment that’s new to me – that means I’m learning every day. Meanwhile, teaching at Toi Ohomai allows me to help students explore their creative expression, as well as providing opportunities for them to explore their personal flow and grow through experimentation and research.”

Areena says she’s always had a keen interest in Māori art and wanted to study at Toi Ohomai to expand her understanding of the creative sector.

“I had goals and ambitions as a young child to become a creative entrepreneur. I enrolled at Toi Ohomai to help me understand a western approach and guide me through finding myself and my capabilities. I was always drawn solely to Māori art and this course opened my eyes to standing between both worlds – Te Aō Māori and Te Aō Pakeha.”

She says her tutor encouraged her to take on the degree after she completed the level 4 art and design course.

“My tutors encouraged me to pursue further studies after doing the art and design course. I had considered attending various universities, however I didn’t want to leave Tauranga Moana as I had just returned home from Australia a few years ago.”

Areena says she’s grateful that she took the opportunity because she’s been able to achieve her childhood dream. 

“I will forever be indebted to my many tutors, not just those in the creative industries, but all Toi Ohomai staff. As a new staff member, I now understand the efforts and passion they all put in to ensure the success of each student. The creative staff are second to none. Their own personal art careers are intertwined with the work they do as tutors and seeing their creative practice in motion with teaching was very inspiring to me.”

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