Strengthening Palliative Care Services Through a Collaborative Review and Evaluation

A collaborative review and evaluation was undertaken with Rotorua Community Hospice (RCH) staff and volunteers utilising proposed new Hospice NZ standards for palliative care.  

Current practice standards are similar and the team completed previous self-evaluations that assisted in this research.  

The research reviewed and identified areas for agreed improvement in RCH practice and service.

Two teaching staff from Toi Ohomai and two key stakeholders at RCH collaborated on a multidisciplinary review and developed a gap analysis to guide responsive practice development.  

A second phase of the project could be established to facilitate interventions based on the initial findings from this evaluation to guide continuing best practice.


Matthews, S.M., Woods, J.M., & Nitesh, N. (2020). Strengthening palliative care services through a collaborative review and evaluation [Report]. Rotorua Community Hospice. Rotorua, New Zealand.


Sue Matthews and Neel Nitesh (Toi Ohomai), Jonathan Hagger and Kath Erskine-Shaw (Rotorua Community Hospice)