"One of Us - First and Foremost a Nurse". Exploring the Nurse Practitioner Role Within One Private Surgical Hospital

The Nurse Practitioner (NP) intern programme commenced at Grace Hospital in 2012. Grace Hospital is a private surgical hospital in Tauranga and is certified by the Ministry of Health to provide hospital services meeting the standards of the Health and Disability Commissioners Act 1994.  

Grace Hospital currently employs two NPs. Toi Ohomai Department of Nursing has been approached to partner a research project to explore the NP role at Grace.

Current feedback on the NP role has been generally gained from-in-patient surveys completed as part of a quality audit process. No formal research has been undertaken on the NP role since its inception.

This research will address the need for specific evaluative data from a range of key stakeholders about the NP role, practices and implications for the ongoing development of the role in the private hospital setting


Sadd, R J., & Cooke, K. (2020). “One of us – first and foremost a nurse”. Exploring the Nurse Practitioner role within one private surgical hospital[Report]. Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology, New Zealand.


Read the full report“One of us – first and foremost a nurse”. Exploring the Nurse Practitioner role within one private surgical hospital.


Roseanne Sadd (Toi Ohomai) and Kirstie Cooke (Grace Hospital, Tauranga)