John Chittenden, Architectural Designer

The sleek and functional design of the Toi Ohomai Charity house wouldn’t be possible without the expertise of architectural designer John Chittenden.
With more than 22 years of design experience, it was only fitting that John take the helm of the Charity House design.
John has been involved in the project since its inception and said he jumped on board in 2012 as a way of giving back to the community.
John has seen the house design evolve through the years, responding to changing trends and needs.
“I have enjoyed the opportunity to contribute, along with the other partners, to a worthwhile project involving a career path for young people.”
John says the charity aspect was hugely important for the integrity of the project, as the partners give their time and skills freely, or at a discounted rate, enabling any profits to be returned to the community.
Sharing his skills and knowledge with current students also gives John a sense of satisfaction.
“My generation had the benefit of an education paid for by the government or our employers of the day.
“With this mode of funding no longer available to many young people I believe we owe current and future generations to pass on our knowledge freely.”
John says he has gained more from participating in the project than he has put in.
“Call it a feel-good factor.”
John has extensive experience in his field, having worked for 17 years as a self-employed builder and 22 years in design, including frame and truss design as well as architectural design.
He is now semi-retired and is a keen deer stalker, tramper and fisherman.
“I am also a keen glider pilot, and spend a fair bit of my spare time competition flying and instructing new students to fly.”