Course Overview

Do you want to re-apply for your immigration adviser licence? If it’s been more than 12 months since you’ve graduated, or held your licence, you'll need to complete this course.

You have up to 12 months to do so, prior to re-applying for your license.

The course covers content from within the Graduate Diploma in New Zealand Immigration Advice. You'll cover current immigration law and policies as well as professional responsibilities.

Upon successfully completing the requirements you will receive:

  • Confirmation of Completion

You'll receive a Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology Achievement Record when you've successfully completed the Refresher Course. No academic credit will be given.

To be eligible to receive the Achievement Record you'll need to participate in all coursework and successfully complete (pass) both assessments.

Assessments may take the form of written assessments, online tests and quizzes, case studies and online discussion forums. You will not be required to sit any examinations.

Locations Online
Next intake Sep 2024 View more details
Study options

6 weeks full-time, including holidays (if applicable)

The course involves approximately 100 learning hours and is delivered online over six weeks.

Study fully online including tutorials at set times.

Part-time study available

Total credits 10
Indicative Fees $1,150 per topic/paper for domestic students View full fees information
Eligibility View entry criteria

To see the information for international students change your location using the button at the top right of the screen.

Career opportunities

  • Licensed immigration adviser

Topics you'll cover

The course comprises the most up to date information on visa requirements and the requirements of the code of conduct.

Content covered includes:

Regulatory Framework

  • Personal and professional qualities required; honest, ethical, diligent and respectful
  • Providing immigration advice
  • Licensing regime 
  • Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007
  • Functions of the Immigration Advisers Authority, Registrar of Immigration Advisers
  • Professional responsibilities and code of conduct
  • IAA Competency Standards
  • Complaints, offences and penalties
  • The Immigration Advisers Complaints and Disciplinary Authority
  • Continuing professional development requirements
  • Professional standard of English

Appropriate Advice:

  • Temporary Entry categories
  • Residence Entry categories
  • Compliance categories

Immigration law and instructions:

  • Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007
  • Immigration Act 2009
  • Privacy Act 1993
  • Official information Act 1982
  • Ombudsmen Act 1975 
  • New Zealand immigration visa system and lodgement requirements
  • Eligibility assessments
  • Mandatory documents
  • Immigration decision-making
  • INZ Operational Manual
  • International instruments and obligations

All activities must be completed and two marked assessments must be passed.

Course Fees

Indicative Fees * $1,150 per topic/paper for domestic students

*Please note, fees for our 2024 intakes are yet to be confirmed. Once they are, we will update our website to reflect the new 2024 fee amount.

Fee variations if you're studying the course outside of New Zealand

If you’re a -

  • New Zealand citizen studying the course outside of New Zealand, you will be charged the Domestic fee (excluding GST) - $999.81 (excluding GST) per refresher topic/paper.

Important Note: Australian citizens and Australian permanent residents studying the course outside of New Zealand will be charged International Fees (excluding GST). 

New Zealand permanent residents studying the course outside of New Zealand should contact us to check the applicable fees.

* Important fee information, and hints and tips

Help with fees

Are you Eligible for Free Fees?

There are several ways to take advantage of free study at Toi Ohomai. Find out how on our Fees Free FAQ page.

Student Loans and Allowances

This course does NOT meet the requirements for student loan or allowance applications through StudyLink.

Find out more at

Course Entry Information

Entry criteria

You must have:

  • completed the Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma in New Zealand Immigration Advice, OR
  • previously held an Immigration Adviser's licence, OR
  • been directed to this course by the IACDT.

The IAA will inform applicants, of their requirement to complete the Refresher Course in order to obtain a licence. Applicants can find further information regarding the Refresher Course on the IAA website.

There is no RPL as this is a mandatory requirement to re-apply for a licence.

Standard Entry Criteria

Admission, entry, selection, and enrolment into programmes will be in accordance with the Academic Regulations and/or, where approved, specific programme regulations.

Other Considerations

You must have access to a computer and the internet in order to participate in the online learning activities and assessments.

You'll demonstrate application of knowledge through completion of learning activities, formative and summative assessments.

Computer Requirements:

  • access to a computer and reliable high speed internet service
  • up-to-date internet browsers; Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer (available free to download online)
  • speakers (in-built computer speakers are fine)
  • Microsoft Word - minimum version 97-2003
  • latest Adobe Flash and Adobe Reader (available free to download from Adobe online)

English language requirements

IELTS Academic score of 6 with no band score lower than 5.5 or completed New Zealand Certificate in English Language Level 4 with the Academic Endorsement or meets a relevant English Proficiency Outcome as outlined by NZQA.

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Course Locations and Intake Information

Location Campus Start Date
Online Online 30 Sep 2024 Apply now

Study options

  • 6 weeks full-time, including holidays (if applicable)
  • The course involves approximately 100 learning hours and is delivered online over six weeks.

    Study fully online including tutorials at set times.
  • Part-time study available

Important dates

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