Toi Ohomai Secondary School Leavers Scholarship

*Applications for this scholarship have now closed.

This scholarship encourages local school leavers to pursue a vocational qualification with Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology and financially assists with their first full year of tertiary study.  


  • Applicants will need to have applied and met the entry criteria for their chosen programme of study at the time of applying for this scholarship;
  • Applications are open to New Zealand citizens and permanent residents only;
  • Applicants must be attending a secondary school within the Bay of Plenty and South Waikato regions;
  • Successful applicants at the time of scholarship payment must be fully enrolled in a full-time one-year (minimum) course and attending and progressing well academically


The criteria for selecting scholarship recipients are based on the following: 

Demonstrated leadership potential

Demonstrable leadership experience within the school environment. This may be formal, as a member of a school committee of some type (e.g. student representative, sports team), or informally as a person of positive influence upon their peers using their values and behaviours.

Cultural/sporting/academic achievement

Demonstrable ability to apply themselves, and excel, in a challenging academic environment; and/or demonstrable talent in any form of cultural or sporting achievement.

Contribution to school/community

Demonstrable commitment to their school and/or community. This includes community groups, associations, organisations, Iwi, Hapu and/or Marae work. This may also include contributions to church, youth groups, clubs, volunteer work and so on.

Study/financial need

An applicant demonstrates academic ability, as above, and is subject to economic hardship that may limit their access to the learning resources needed to study at Toi Ohomai. 



This is a one-off scholarship to assist applicants in their first year of study to assist with learning resources, and/or fees. 

Opening Date

Closing Date

Application Requirements

Submit a personal letter with your application detailing the following:

  • How did you become interested in your chosen course at Toi Ohomai; and
  • How do you meet the academic achievement criteria, plus one or more of the other award criteria?

Include two references with your application from people who know you well and can testify to your attributes in relation to the award criteria. 

Contact information

Scholarships Office

Executive Support (Scholarships)

0800 86 46 46

Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm

Executive Support (Scholarships), Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology, Private Bag 12001, Tauranga