Course Overview

Use your existing qualification and experience to enter early childhood education (ECE) with our Master of Teaching qualification.

Our Master's qualification lets you use your previous degree and gain practical experience. You’ll complete over 14 weeks of placements in early childhood centres, taking and applying theory straight to the classroom.

You’ll learn how to build and craft young minds to succeed in their learning with a mixture of papers across early childhood curriculum, becoming a teaching professional and the contexts and challenges of early childhood education.

New Zealand is constantly looking for more early childhood teachers so you will always be in demand. Enjoy a challenging career and become an everyday superhero to both parents and young children. 

Upon successfully completing the requirements you'll receive the award of:

  • Master of Teaching Early Childhood Education
Locations Rotorua
Next intake Jul 2025 View more details
Study options

1.5 years full-time, including holidays (if applicable)

Part-time study available

Total credits 180
StudyLink assistance Available
Indicative Fees $10,456 for domestic students View full fees information
Eligibility View entry criteria

To see the information for international students change your location using the button at the top right of the screen.

Career opportunities

  • Registered early childhood education teacher
  • Leader or manager in an early childhood setting
  • Resource teacher
  • Education advisor
  • Curriculum advisor/developer
  • Policy analyst/advisor
  • Facilitator
  • Professional development and in-service teacher educator
  • Centre manager/supervisor/team leader
  • Curriculum leader 
  • Consultant
  • Researcher

Topics you'll cover

  • Te Mātanga Ngāio: The Professional Practitioner 
  • Whakaako me te Ako: Te Akoranga Marautanga o te Mātauranga Kōhungahunga i Aotearoa: Teaching and Learning: Early Childhood Education Curriculum studies in Aotearoa New Zealand 
  • Whakangungu 1: Te whātahi ariā ki te whakangungu me te whātahi whakangungu ki te aria: Practicum 1: Integrating theory with practice and practice with theory 
    Ngā Horopaki me ngā Wero i te Mātauranga Kōhungahunga: Contexts and Challenges in Early Childhood Education 
  • Whakangungu 2: He Tohu Taunakitanga o te Whakangungu: Practicum 2: Sustaining Evidence-based Practice 
  • Rangahau Mātanga Mātauranga Kōhungahunga: Practitioner Research in Early Childhood Education Settings 

Course Fees

Indicative Fees * $10,456 for domestic students

Your final fee may vary if:

  • you have a choice of topics/papers to study
  • the qualification excludes GST
  • there are extra course materials to purchase
  • student levies apply

We’ll let you know if any of these apply to you.

* Important fee information, and hints and tips

Help with fees

Are you Eligible for Free Fees?

There are several ways to take advantage of free study at Toi Ohomai. Find out how on our Fees Free FAQ page.

Student Loans and Allowances

This course meets the requirements for student loan applications through StudyLink.

  • A student loan helps to pay for your course fees (the compulsory fees), study materials e.g. books, equipment, and living costs. You'll have to pay this money back.

Find out more and apply at


Scholarships are one way you might be able to get some financial help. Any scholarships specifically related to this course are shown below, otherwise check out the full list of scholarships promoted by Toi Ohomai.

Course Entry Information

Entry criteria


  • Two satisfactory character references are required and must address the NZTC Good Character and Fit to be a Teacher Policy 2007. These should be from persons in positions of trust or responsibility such as an employer or pastor. References from family, friends or work colleagues will not be accepted.
  • Two forms of identity.
  • Satisfactory participation in an entry (online) interview, including literacy and numeracy competency will be required.
  • Candidates undertaking a safety check consistent with the requirements of the Vulnerable Children Act 2014.


  • Bachelor’s degree at level 7 consisting of at least 360 credits*; or
  • Bachelor Honours’ degree at level 8 consisting of at least 480 credits*; or
  • Master’s degree at level 9 consisting of at least 240 credits*

An International Qualification Assessment (IQA) report from NZQA must be obtained for overseas qualification. To apply, please visit….

*In addition, students must have attained a B average grade or above during the course of their study or in their final year of study.

English Language Requirements

IELTS Academic score of 7.0 in all bands or PTE (Academic) score of 65 in all bands or meets a relevant English Proficiency Outcome as outlined by the Teaching Council of New Zealand. You can meet the requirements through using the results from more than one test (Results must have been achieved within last two years).

Police Vetting

  • All students will be required to provide a signed consent form allowing Toi Ohomai to check the applicant’s record of convictions on entry, during and prior to completing the programme.
  • Applicants will only be allowed to go on practicum after the Police check is processed.
  • ALL applicants with ANY convictions will be required to attend an interview with the Associate Dean Education and may be declined entry depending on the severity, recency, age at offending and pattern of offending.

The Associate Dean of the Faculty of Health, Education and Environment shall approve every candidate selected for the Master of Teaching Early Childhood Education: Tohu Paerua o te Whakaako i te Mātauranga Kōhungahunga programme.

Literacy and Numeracy

Applicants will be required to pass a literacy and numeracy test. 

Information Session

You’ll be invited to an information meeting. This is your opportunity to find out more about the course content and to make sure you're on the most appropriate course for your career aspirations and current level of experience.

Standard Entry Criteria

Admission, entry, selection, and enrolment into programmes will be in accordance with the Academic Regulations and/or, where approved, specific programme regulations.

Other Considerations

In consultation with department staff, the Faculty Leader will approve every applicant selected.

English language requirements

Literacy (English Language Competency) Requirements

You'll be required to pass a literacy test equivalent to Level 6 of the National Adult Literacy and Numeracy tool for adults.

English Language Competency for English as an Additional Language (EAL) applicants must:

  • Provide evidence of having achieved an IELTS of 7.0, or higher, for each academic component of the academic version of IELTS.

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Course Locations and Intake Information

Location Campus Start Date
Rotorua Mokoia Campus 14 Jul 2025 Apply now

Study options

  • 1.5 years full-time, including holidays (if applicable)
  • Part-time study available

Important dates

View calendar of start dates and events

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