Roof Shout Celebrates Charity House Project

Toi Ohomai carpentry students roof shout.

Tuesday, 10 Aug 2021

When Reece Naplocha looked at construction courses, there was one in particular that stood out. He wanted real experience that would help him build his career. 

The Auckland-based 19-year-old chose to move to Rotorua to enrol in the New Zealand Certificate in Construction Trade Skills at the Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology Mokoia Campus. In particular, it was the fact that the course offered the experience to build a house from scratch but also build one that gave back to the community. 

Along with his classmates, Reece has been busy constructing this year’s Toi Ohomai Charity House, which is a project that has been running since 2013. The project provides carpentry and construction students with the skills they need to build a real, working house. Once the house is completed, it is sold, with the profits being dispersed to the Rotorua community. 

“This project was a major drawcard in my decision to study at Toi Ohomai. You get the right experience that you need to get a job in the industry.” 

Reece says working on the house is great experience and knowing the profits go to charity was rewarding.

“You know you are working towards a goal that will help people and that’s cool.”

Last week, Reece and his fellow students were treated to a barbecue lunch thanks to Mitre10 Mega Rotorua to acknowledge their hard work on the Charity House project.

The lunch also celebrated a significant milestone in the construction, which was completing the roofing stage of the house. 

Mark Coulson and Evelyn Sherlock from Mitre10 Mega Rotorua were on hand cooking lunch. 

“We enjoy being part of this project,” Mark says. “It’s a great cause. It’s also great for the students giving them real experience.” 

Mark says the students work should be celebrated. 

“It’s why we came to help out today. They really do an awesome job.” 

The student roof shout was followed up by an evening event that the Toi Ohomai Charity House partners attended.

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Carpentry and building news articles, Charity House News