FISH6007 Aquaculture 1: Systems Design and Maintenance (Level 6) (15 credits)

In this paper, you'll gain skills in setting up and looking after recirculating aquaculture systems. 

You'll get a hands-on 'wet-thumb' experience alongside class sessions to prepare you to work in the vast field of aquaculture and world aquariums.

You'll set up salt or freshwater systems to manage in groups, and maintain larger systems that host species use for research. Snapper, kingfish, flounder, butterfish, paua, and prawns are just some species students have maintained during this paper.

Contents may include:

  • System components and design
  • Construction and setup
  • Water health and environmental chemistry
  • Species selection and care
  • Global aquaculture and fisheries
  • Trends in aquaculture past and present
  • Aquaculture and the environment

View Level 6 Marine strand course details View Level 6 Terrestrial strand course details