Pōhiri at Toi Ohomai

We are honoured to welcome you to Toi Ohomai with a formal Māori welcome, called a pōhiri. This is also where our CEO offers words of welcome and best wishes for your studies with us. 

Although formal, a good pōhiri is a warm and enjoyable experience. General pointers to put you at ease:

  • Dress as you would for any formal morning occasion - and for the weather - which is often very hot and sunny at the start of the year
  • The karanga (call) is your signal to enter the marae. Women lead the way. 
  • When you arrive at the seats, men sit at the front
  • Traditional Māori speeches of welcome and songs follow
  • At the end of the speeches some of you will be invited to shake hands or hongi the hosts, on behalf of all those who are being welcomed. This concludes the formal Māori part of the occasion
  • Our CEO or his representative addresses the assembly in English
  • Light refreshments are available at the end of the proceedings

The pōhiri takes about an hour and we hope it will be the first of many positive cultural exchanges while you are with us at Toi Ohomai.

Toi Ohomai Pōhiri Guide