Master of Management Study Options and Course Topic Information

Course Topics and Descriptions

BMGT8001 Management Practice: Critical Analysis and Review (Level 8, 15 credits)

  • Students will develop their ability to critically evaluate management theory and practice, including developing the capability to investigate and analyse information to further inform management practice.

BMGT8002 Quality Management Systems: Macro to Micro (Level 8, 15 credits)

  • Students will analyse in-depth organisational quality management systems at both the macro and micro levels. A range of systems and approaches will be examined with a view to students being able to analyse, implement and improve such systems in organisations.

BMGT8003 Strategic Human Resources Management (Level 8, 15 credits)

  • Students will analyse human resource management theories, models, systems and relevant employer-related legislation key to HR management. HR practices will be considered in line with strategic human resources management – alignment with goals of departments and organisation to ensure long term competitive advantage.

BMGT8004 Operations Management (Level 8, 15 credits)    

  • Students are introduced to major concepts and tools used to design, control, and improve business processes from the principles of Operations Management. It critically examines how managers create value by delivering top quality products and services efficiently and effectively to meet the needs of clients and customers. Students examine value creation considering profiles of real-world service and manufacturing companies and challenges they face in their operations. It examines effectiveness based on the ‘rights’ – right service, right quality, right time and place. Efficiency centres on lowest total cost – direct provider costs, direct recipient costs, indirect societal costs and optimal use of resources.

BMGT8005 Change Management (Level 8, 15 credits)

  • Students will learn how to investigate, evaluate and apply change management theories that aid in making the employee and organisation ready for immediate or continuous change.

BMGT8006 Communication for Managers (Level 8, 15 credits)

  • Students will analyse their personal communication style and investigate congruence to effective management practices. Students will critically examine a range of professional communication practices required to address an array of management situations. Students will analyse and assimilate communication characteristics associated with the effective manager, and consider cultural competence and biculturalism as practice approaches in management.

BMGT8007 Work-integrated Project (Level 8, 15 credits)

  • Students will learn how to investigate a range of significant challenges in their chosen field, then research and develop a proposal to overcome one of those challenges. The proposal will then be presented to a professional group for feedback, evaluation and action.

BMGT8008 Advanced Applied Research Proposal (Level 8, 15 credits)

  • Students will identify an area to research, formulate research questions and hypotheses, conduct a literature review, select a methodological approach and create both research approval and ethics approval application documents for an extended field, dissertation or thesis project. The proposal will be both documented and formally defended.

BMGT8009 Research Methodology (Level 8, 30 credits)

  • Students will conceptualize practical issues in the field of management, and apply relevant methodological approaches from management perspective. Students will be able to critically analyse quantitative, qualitative, and kaupapa Māori approaches to research. Students will formulate a research question, literature review, ethics and the necessity for a kaupapa Māori research framework where required, research theories and an appropriate methodology to create a research proposal.

BMGT8010 Leadership in Health Care (Level 8, 15 credits)

  • Students will investigate leadership in the health care sector from theoretical, historical and functional perspectives with a view to enhancing their understanding of the impact of leadership ability. Students will identify and synthesize personal leadership understandings and skills. The utility of research to support leadership in the health care sector is evaluated.

BMGT8011 Governance and Management in Health Care (Level 8, 15 credits)

  • Investigate the concepts of governance and management alongside the impact these roles have on health care and health outcomes within the health care sector. Also investigated are Maori and Treaty of Waitangi perspectives and approaches to governance within the context of health. Students will focus on optimising the impact of the roles examined to improve health care outcomes.

BMGT8012 Cultural Intelligence in the Hospitality Industry (Level 8, 15 credits)

  • Students will investigate the theory of cultural intelligence (CQ) and its application to hospitality organisations as a critical aspect of achieving business success in a global environment. Students will discuss the major elements of CQ and their implications, assess CQ practices and the influence of culture on consumer perceptions of service encounters. Students will reflect on demographic changes, examine existing models of CQ and facilitate a CQ learning plan.

BMGT8013 Management of Information Technology (Level 8, 15 credits)

  • Students will critically analyse the role and application of information technology in organisations, and evaluate strategies, policies and procedures for managing the use of information technology. Students will also examine and appraise the impact of recent IT advancements and recommend future improvements for an organisation.

BMGT8014 Business Intelligence and Analytics (Level 8, 15 credits)

  • Students will explore the fundamentals of business intelligence techniques and provide understanding of major applications in business intelligence and data mining for business performance optimisation.

BMGT9001 Advanced Applied Research Project (Level 9, 45 credits)

  • Students will independently undertake an original research project or creative scholarly work specific to their chosen field under supervision. They will plan and negotiate, taking into consideration biculturalism and quadruple bottom line theory. The student will formally present their research findings.

BMGT9002 Thesis (Level 9, 90 credits)

  • Students will be able to conduct independent research in their chosen area of management specialization (business management, marketing management, entrepreneurship management, human resource management, financial management, hospitality management, health care management, or design management etc.). Students will link theoretical knowledge with practical gaps in the industry in order to build relevant skills and professional attributes that are required in their area of specialization. To scientifically establish meaningful outcome, students will formulate relevant research questions/objectives and choose suitable methods to collect and analyse data for responding to these questions in the form of clearly presented results, conclusions and recommendations. 

BNKF8001 Finance for Managers (Level 8, 15 credits)

  • Students will evaluate a range of financial methods and approaches to utilising financial assets reflecting on their significance in management roles. Financial asset value determination and utility, capital structures, and the role of cash flow and leverage in business will also be analysed.

SMKT8001 Service Sector Marketing (Level 8, 15 credits)

  • Students will gain applied knowledge and skills in service sector marketing. Specifically, they will explore the marketable values, target market characteristics and the value proposition, expanded marketing mix, and marketing communication strategy. Students will gain insight into current and innovative marketing practices and opportunities to develop professional marketing plans and budgets, pitching marketing proposals, and revising marketing plans to target market response trials.

Course Study Options and Award Criteria

Master of Management by Thesis (120 credits)    

Students must pass a total of 120 credits, including:

  • BMGT8009 Research Methodology (30 credits)
  • BMGT9002 Thesis (90 credits)

Master of Management by Coursework – WITH endorsement (180 credits)

Students must pass a total of 180 credits, including:

  • Six Level 8 compulsory papers/topics (90 credits):
    • BMGT8001, BNKF8001, BMGT8005, BMGT8003, BMGT8004 and BMGT8008
  • One Level 9 compulsory paper/topic (45 credits):
    • BMGT9001
  • Two Level 8 Endorsement papers/topics (30 credits) from one of the following:
    • Business Endorsement BMGT8006, BMGT8002 OR BMGT8007 OR
    • Health Endorsement BMGT8010, BMGT8011 OR BMGT8007 OR
    • Hospitality Endorsement BMGT8012, SMKT8001 OR BMGT.8007 OR
  • One Level 8 Optional paper/topic (15 credits):
    • One Other Endorsement paper/topic

Master of Management by Coursework – WITHOUT endorsement (180 credits)

Students must pass a total of 180 credits, including:

  • Six Level 8 compulsory papers/topics (90 credits):
    • BMGT8001, BNKF8001, BMGT8005, BMGT8003, BMGT8004 and BMGT8008
  • One Level 9 compulsory paper/topic (45 credits):
    • BMGT9001
  • Three Level 8 Optional papers/topics (45 credits):
    • Any Three Other Endorsement papers/topics

Master of Management by Coursework and Thesis – WITH endorsement (240 credits)

 Students must pass a total of 240 credits, including:

  • Six Level 8 compulsory papers/topics (105 credits):
    • BMGT8001, BNKF8001, BMGT8005, BMGT8003, BMGT8004 and BMGT8009
  • One Level 9 compulsory paper/topic (90 credits):
    • BMGT9002
  • Two Level 8 Endorsement papers/topics (30cr) from one of the following:
    • Business Endorsement BMGT8006, BMGT8002 OR BMGT8007 OR
    • Health Endorsement BMGT8010, BMGT8011 OR BMGT8007 OR
    • Hospitality Endorsement BMGT8012, SMKT8001 OR BMGT.8007 OR
  • One Level 8 Optional paper/topic (15 credits):
    • One Other Endorsement paper/topic

Master of Management by Coursework and Thesis – WITHOUT endorsement (240 credit)

Students must pass a total of 240 credits, including:

  • Six Level 8 compulsory papers/topics (105 credits):
    • BMGT8001, BNKF8001, BMGT8005, BMGT8003, BMGT8004 and BMGT8009
  • One Level 9 compulsory paper/topic (90 credits):
    • BMGT9002
  • Three Level 8 Optional papers/topics (45 credits):
    • Any Three Other Endorsement papers/topics