Quality Improvement Education in Undergraduate Nursing Programme Using a Collaborative Partnership Model

Developing a broad understanding of the importance of quality improvement (QI) in pre-registration nursing and health care education unique to the New Zealand context is vital for our students to meet the NZ Health Strategy (2016) and future role requirements.

QI is defined as a range of formal approaches to analysing the quality of patient care and implementing systematic efforts to improve it. This research investigated the processes and outcomes of a new partnership based QI delivery model in the Bachelor of Nursing (BN) programme at Toi Ohomai.

The study collected questionnaires and interview data from key stakeholders including Toi Ohomai teaching and clinical staff, local DHB staff, aged residential care managers and nurse leaders.

Focus groups were carried out with third year students to present and analyse the establishment processes of relationship building in practice settings. In addition, we collected information about perceptions and practices related to teaching pedagogy, online tools usage, and learning, teaching and assessment practices – all elements for a comprehensive understanding of key QI models.

The QI projects completed by students for their assessment were summarised as a further data source to inform discussions about how students have applied this knowledge. This research has provided valuable insights for nursing and health care educators into the development and outcomes of a multifaceted and collaborative educational approach to embed QI concepts in pre-registration professional nursing and health education curricula.

APA References: Honeyfield, J., Sims, D., & Proverbs, A. (2019). How senior New Zealand nursing student's quality improvement projects can change practice[Report]. Toi Ohomai Research Committee, Tauranga, NZ.    

Read the full report: How Senior New Zealand Nursing Students' Quality Improvement Projects can Change Practice (pdf, 369kb)


Dr Judith Honeyfield, Adam Proverbs, Deborah Sims.