Help Starting Out - Information Centres

Our friendly Information Centre staff are a welcoming first point of contact for you and can offer help and advice in person or over the phone with all sorts of things including:

  • course information and selection (also have a chat to our friendly Careers and Employability team if you want information about different industries and job outcomes before you decide on subject)
  • application and enrolment help (also see our Application and Enrolment Information)
  • StudyLink - loan and allowance applications, advice and issues
  • fee information
  • financial help including scholarships
  • student ID cards
  • take-home materials like brochures and information sheets
  • directions

Phone, or pop in for some one-on-one help with getting started.

'How to Apply' flowchart

Campus Services Tour

We offer a wide range of services and facilities to enhance your campus experience while you study with us. Check out our 'Find your feet' video to see what services are on campus:

Campus Services Tour

Contact information

Information Centre, Mokoia Campus

07 346 8999

0800 86 46 46

Monday–Friday, 8.00am–4.30pm

I Block, Mokoia Campus

Private Bag 3028, Rotorua 3046, New Zealand

Information Centre, Windermere Campus

07 571 0190

0800 86 46 46

Monday-Friday, 8.00am-4.30pm

B Block, Windermere Campus

Private Bag 12001, Tauranga 3143, New Zealand

International Centre, Mokoia Campus

07 346 8712

0800 86 46 46

Monday–Friday, 8.00am–4.30pm

E Block, Mokoia Campus

Toi Ohomai International Office, Private Bag 3028, Rotorua 3046, New Zealand

Toi Ohomai International Centre Facebook page

International Centre, Windermere Campus

07 557 8993

0800 86 46 46

Monday–Friday, 8.00am–4.30pm

L2, Windermere Campus

Toi Ohomai International Office, Private Bag 12001, Tauranga 3143, New Zealand   

Toi Ohomai International Centre Facebook page