Tristan Katu

Ko Tihi o te Ao Marama me Taranaki nga maunga, Ko Ngati Kinohaku me Ngāruahine Rangi nga Iwi, Ko Ngati Tarahuia, Ōkahu, me Inuāwai nga hapū, Ko Oparure me Ngakaunui nga Marae, Ko Tainui me Aotea nga waka. Ko Tristan Tyrel Katu ahau - Tihei Mauri Ora
Tristan Katu studied Quantity Surveying at Toi Ohomai and is now working in his chosen field in Australia, we caught up with him after his Toi Ohomai Graduation:
What drew you to quantity surveying in the first place?
During High School I liked dealing with numbers, it was something that sparked my interest so when I heard that's what QS work was about, I was all for it.
What was your experience like studying with Toi-Ohomai?
My tutors were supportive and they go above and beyond to make sure you have the best chance of getting through your course. Rachel played a big part in keeping me on track with my study. The Careers & Employability team helped me apply for a part-time junior role in a Tauranga-based residential building company which I was successful for. This gave me an insight into the residential QS side of things.
What did you like best about the course?
The best part about this course wasn't just the numbers aspect, but also getting the opportunity to learn about how the construction industry works, how to build a house, and the process of projects from start to finish.
What are you doing now for work and where?
Following my graduation, I took a trip across the ditch to Australia and managed to get a job fairly quickly at a company called Mersa. They are located in Brisbane and specialise in large-scale roading and infrastructure projects. I have now been working as a Junior Quantity Surveyor for this company for four months and have just been made permanent. They are a great company and provide excellent opportunities for their employees.
How are you finding your job and being in the workforce doing what you studied?
The good thing about my job is that no matter how long you've been doing it, you will always be learning new things. Everything about quantity surveying interests me and I love being able to continuously learn while doing what I love.
What would you say to anyone thinking about studying a diploma in quantity surveying?
If you like working with numbers, and being able to work on-site and in an office, quantity surveying is what you're looking for.