Mother of Five Creates Sparks in Industry

April Jones

Tuesday, 07 Mar 2023

A fees free incentive was the push April Jones needed to pursue to trades career. As a mother of five, April wanted a career that would positively impact her family and prove that women could do anything.

When the Government announced the Trades Training Apprenticeship Fund to help industries that needed workers after the Covid pandemic, April decided to take advantage of the opportunity to train in something new.  

She enrolled in the Toi Ohomai Electrical Pre-Trade programme and didn’t look back.

“I chose to study Electrical because I knew it would be a challenge and I love to challenge myself.”

April studied at the Toi Ohomai Mokoia campus as it was close to home and easy to travel to. 

“I made a really good bond with my tutor, Mike Hastie at Toi Ohomai. He checked in on me regularly after course to see how I was going and was happy to give me a reference for the apprenticeship I applied for.”

April says studying while having young children was a challenge, but one which was manageable. 

“I have five children, four girls and one boy. My husband and I have an awesome routine with our kids and they adjusted well when I became a student." 

She says family support has helped make the study/work/life balance achievable. 

April’s hard work and efforts paid off then she was awarded top student. 

“When Mike told me I was awarded the top student I wanted to cry lol. I sacrificed a lot when I finished my job to study and knowing my learning was being recognised made me feel proud of myself. All my sacrifices were definitely worth it.”

Six months after her course finished April took up an apprenticeship and with only this year left to go, she is loving every minute. 

“After my course I secured an apprenticeship with Carter Holt Harvey, specializing in Industrial Electrical.

“Carter Holt Harvey is an amazing place to work. I love the work I do, and I have a great group of electricians who I learn from every day. The support is amazing and provides a space for me to enjoy what I do.”

At work, April is currently the only female in her trade and in the engineering department. 

“I tell you, being a brown Polynesian woman in this industry is the greatest feeling. Toi Ohomai provided me with the skills I needed.  Putting all the work that I learned into physical practice amazes not just myself or my family, but my community as well. 

“I really do hope I have influenced other women to follow in my footsteps. If anything, women are just as hard-working, strong and confident. Mana wāhine!”

She says women shouldn’t let the fear of doing something new hold them back from achieving great things.  

“Women are powerful, and we all need reminding that we can do whatever we put our mind to, even if it’s something you never knew you were capable of.”

April hopes to one day be able to help women achieve their goals. 

“In five years’ time, I see myself fully qualified. Hopefully one day, I’ll get to train other women in the electrical trade.”

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