Business Development Course a Success

Ariana Smith at the Ringa Rautia graduation

Monday, 12 Dec 2022

Ariana Smith wants to help whānau Māori into work and says a business development course led by Ngāti Whakaue Assets Trust and Toi Ohomai has enabled her to set solid foundations for her pakihi (business).

Ariana was one of the participants on the inaugural Ringa Rautia course - a 10-week programme to help strengthen and grow Ngāti Whakaue-owned businesses. 

Ringa Rautia came about after Ngāti Whakaue Assets Trust, which had identified a significant gap in support for start-ups, approached Toi Ohomai and RotoruaNZ with a solution. 

Ariana’s pakihi Te Oha Training and Employment is a recruitment company also working in the space of pre-employment – getting people back into work or moving from one industry to another.
She says she hopes to give local Māori opportunities to move into mahi that is sustainable and where they can create legacies for themselves and their whānau. 

Having never owned a business Ariana says Ringa Rautia provided her with the perfect opportunity to set firm foundations for her business and to learn from others. 

“Having the opportunity to be part of an iwi initiative in this space was a perfect fit for me. I didn't anticipate that I would not only connect with whānau I never knew, but that in the process we would form friendships as well.”

She says the course was invaluable in helping her with the confidence and skills to run her business. 

“I truly found value in every aspect - the content, the delivery and the people and I am very grateful for everything.

“The tutors were wonderful, very knowledgeable and genuine.”

Starting a business can often be daunting and challenging but Ariana says the key to success was to back yourself. 

“Surround yourself with people who bring value to you and your kaupapa. And to also be open to learning and taking advice from those with experience.”

Ngāti Whakaue Assets Trust Distributions Manager Tatiana Kiwi-Knight says the Trust is proud of the kaipakihi (business owners) who took hold of this opportunity to gain as much knowledge and wisdom as they could from the Toi Ohomai tutors and business coach. 

“The outcomes that were shared by participants at the graduation night – whakanaungatanga (connection), inspiration, confidence and direction - really reflects the work gone in by all involved to make Ringa Rautia a success. 

“It reflects the benefits of our ground up approach to developing kaupapa for our people – identifying their needs, developing initiatives and bringing partners in to strengthen the offering. We hope other iwi pick up Ringa Rautia to trial in their own rohe.” 

Toi Ohomai senior academic staff member Kimberly Rangiahua, who was a core member of the delivery team, says the Toi Ohomai kaimahi were all extremely privileged to be a part of this amazing programme and loved every moment.
“Most of our kaimahi said they learnt just as much as the businesses from being involved in the programme. 

Kimberly says the team’s mantra over the last 12 months has been "Ka mahi tahi tatou kia oho te kaha o etahi atu - We will work together in order to awaken the potential in others".

“The Ringa Rautia programme was yet another perfect opportunity to put this mantra into action. 

“Partnering with Ngāti Whakaue Assets Trust and Rotorua NZ to help awaken the potential of the businesses involved. Our Toi Ohomai business whānau who are experts in their field, were able to offer skills and resources to help their businesses flourish, grow and suggest improvements for the future.” 

Kimberly says as the programme facilitator she enjoyed connecting with local Māori business owners to identify gaps they had within their businesses and help implement these learnings.

“I absolutely loved helping our kaimahi incorporate te reo into the workshops and guiding them to ensure that the wairua of the kaupapa and tikanga Māori was of utmost importance whilst still keeping academic integrity.  

“We, the Toi Ohomai whanau, look forward to watching all the businesses journeys whilst being their biggest supporters and welcome another delivery of this awesome kaupapa.”


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