Rory O’Rourke, Age Concern Rotorua

Age Concern Rotorua

Age Concern Rotorua was a recipient of a grant from the Charity House Project in 2021 and also in 2018. 

This year the money we were granted went towards the running costs of our new minibus which is used regularly to provide social connection outings for our members. 

The Out and Abouters provide outings for various groups of members and we have recently secured a covered trailer for walkers and collapsible wheelchairs. 

The minibus is also used on a regular basis by The Māori Women’s Welfare League, Kaumatua Olympics Group and the Pacific Island Community Trust. The funding from the Charity House Project has enabled us to allow these groups to use the minibus with no charge.

The previous grant enabled us to purchase a data projector for training of volunteers, tablets for on-line shopping and a smart TV for seminars and Professional Development.

- Rory O’Rourke (Manager), Age Concern Rotorua