Mel Paton

Academic Staff Member
Faculty of Primary Industries, Trades and Infrastructure
Swapping the boardroom for greener pastures
After growing up on a farm and building a career in advertising, Mel Paton’s love for the outdoors and a desire to help her son’s eczema led her back to her roots.
Mel grew up in Rāhui Pōkeka (Huntly), and her attraction to the advertising industry was to turn boring, unappealing TV ads into inspiring stories.
After 10 years in this field, Mel became more focused on the people in the inspiring stories rather than selling products. This led to a career change and her completing a Diploma in Career Guidance. She then facilitated career advice and social support in community centres throughout the Bay of Plenty.
When Mel’s son started to suffer from eczema her path changed again.
“After doing some research I learnt about the benefits of herbal remedies, so I returned to gardening, growing calendula and making balms. I enrolled in the NZ Certificate in Organic Crop Production with Toi Ohomai so I could learn how to grow organic medicinal herbs.”
Mel’s tutor, Steven Cantor, identified Mel’s passion and teaching potential. After plenty of encouragement, Mel got a role as a tutor too.
“For me it’s the perfect job: facilitating real life experiences in the horticulture space. It’s so rewarding giving ākonga the opportunity to have a go and do things they haven’t had a chance to do before. The personal benefits are a bonus too: working outdoors with like-minded people, fresh air, and space to decompress, problem solve, and keep fit.”
Ākonga that Mel has tutored have gone on to do great roles including becoming a head market gardener for a local organic grower, further study in environmental conservation, mahi in retail garden centres, and others have set up their own properties to begin the organic certification process as market gardeners.